Do you want to know more about the procedure for application of Micro Irrigation system?
Firstly, the farmer will apply in plain paper to the District Agricultural Officer of the concern district where he will do cultivation and wants to install the system. The DAO will inform him the list of registered Micro Irrigation companies of the State with company’s price list for various types of Drip and Sprinkler along with Govt. Assistance. Then the farmer will choose the company from the list through which he wants to do the installation work and submit in writing to DAO. After that the DAO will hand over the name of farmer to the selected company. The company will in turn do field verification and complete the prescribed format of application and submit to the DAO office. All the completed forms received by DAO will be submitted to State HQ with the approval of District Level Committee for final approval. All application received from District will be scrutinize at State HQ and issue necessary work order to Company or Farmer whoever is applicable. In case of Company, after getting work order the company will collect the farmers share and start the work in the field and claims for Govt. Subsidy through concern DAO. In the event of farmers wanted to do the work by themselves, after getting work order the farmer will install the system through registered company and after completion claims for release of subsidy through DAO.