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Government Of Assam Department of Agriculture & Horticulture Directorate of Horticulture & Food Processing

Function and Objectives


  1. Formulation and implementation of policies and programmes aimed at achieving rapid growth of horticultural sector.
  2. To ensure increase in area coverage to increase production and productivity of horticultural crops by transferring technology.
  3. Undertaking all possible measures to ensure timely and adequate supply of quality planting materials.
  4. Motivating farmers to minimize the use of chemicals thereby to control the environmental pollution with the adoption of Integrated Pest Management practices and adoption of organic farming.
  5. Implementing calamity relief programme


  1. To increase production and productivity of fruit crops
  2. To increase production and productivity of vegetable crops
  3. To increase production and productivity of spices crops
  4. To establish nurseries both at public & private sector for quality planting materials
  5. To transfer technologies from Lab to Land
  6. To ensure good Soil health
  7. To augment Market & marketing facilities
  8. To ensure timely implementation of schemes through Monitoring & Evaluation
  9. To make efficient functioning of the RFD system
  10. To improve internal efficiency/ responsiveness/ service delivery of the department