How do I avail the benefit of HMNEH scheme?
To know about the scheme Horticulture Mission For North East and Himalayan State(HMNEH) or to avail the benefit under the scheme, farmers may contact the respective District Agril. Officer of their respective district or local Agril. Development Officer. Farmers may also directly apply for various components included in the “Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture” at District Agril. office through local Agril. Dev. Officer . For some special component like Cold Storage, Ripening Chamber, Cold Room, Rural Market, Retail Outlet applicant may apply through online at and hard copy of the online application should be submitted at District Agril. Office.
How do I avail the benefit of Micro Irrigation scheme?
There is a provision of 55% Govt. assistance in the ratio of 90:10 between GOI and State Govt. for installation of a Micro Irrigation System (Drip /Sprinkler) in the farmers’ field. Any farmer interested for Micro Irrigation System should approach the District Agricultural Officer of the district where he wants to install the system to know the details of the scheme and procedure for application. The guideline of the scheme may also be seen at