Overview of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP):-
Good Agricultural Practices are some codes, standards, regulation followed in Farm Practices. The main aim is to deliver to the consumer healthy and safe high quality food and non food products. It will ensure sustainable yield, protect the environment with development of livelihood.
Four Pillars of Good Agricultural Practices:-
- Economic Viability
- Environment Sustainability
- Social acceptability
- Food Safety and Quality
Potential Benefits of GAP:-
- Helps improve the safety and quality of food and other agricultural products.
- Reduce the risk of non-compliance with national and international regulation, standards and guidelines such as hazards of pesticide, other chemicals, microbiological, physical contamination etc.
- Helps promoting sustainable agriculture thereby meeting national and international environment and social development objectives.
Needs for GAP in Horticulture and challenges:-
- Horticultural produce of NE region are of high quality and therefore has ample scope for Export.
- Knowledge of GAP is required at farmers’ level, so that their produce has minimum contamination and meets the national and international standards for export.
- Therefore, it is challenging to inform the small and marginal farmers about GAP and prepares them technically to meet the export demand of Horticultural Produce of Assam with Governments and Public agencies playing a facilitating role.
Title | Size | Detail |
General Guidelines on Good Agricultural Practices | 2.16 MB |  |
WHO Guidelines of GACP for Medicinal plants | 592.37 KB |  |