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Government Of Assam Department of Agriculture & Horticulture Directorate of Horticulture & Food Processing

Horticultural Statistics
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Annual Action Plan, 2017-18, HMNEH under MIDH1.43 MBswf-image
District Wise Annual Action Plan 2017-18, HMNEH under MIDH47.49 KBswf-image
District Wise Annual Action Plan 2016-17, HMNEH under MIDH47.42 KBswf-image
List of Progeny Orchard140.38 KBswf-image
List of Markets developed 186.83 KBswf-image
List of Community Canning a& Training Centres64.42 KBswf-image
District Wise Area, Production and Average Yield of Some Major Horticultural Crops 2013-14385.74 KBswf-image
District Wise Area, Production and Average Yield of Some Major Horticultural Crops 2014-15528.89 KBswf-image
District Wise Area, Production and Average Yield of Some Major Horticultural Crops 2015-16526.15 KBswf-image